Tuesday, April 1

The Cornhusker

Wednesday, April 2

Animal Science Commons Area

Barnabas Community

Butler Ag Equipment

Check-in location based on your district number… 1-4: Plant Science - Room 199, 5-8: Filley Hall - Trading Room, 9-12: East Campus Union - 3rd Floor

Dinsdale Learning Commons - Engler Lookout Studio

East Campus Visitors Center in Filley Hall

Embassy Suites

Engler Lookout Studio, Dinsdale Learning Commons

Farmers Cooperative

FEWS Hub, Filley Hall

Filley Hall - Room 206

Filley Hall room 47

Food Bank of Lincoln

Food Science Complex (1901 N 21st) – meet in the lobby directly inside the doors on the east side of the 1901 building

Frontier Cooperative

Hudl Headquarters


Keim Hall - 2nd Floor Lounge

Meet by the flag pole by Chase Hall

Nebraska East Union - 3rd Floor Commons Area

Nebraska East Union - Great Plains Room

Nebraska East Union at the atrium level

Nebraska Farm Bureau

North of the East Campus Union

People's City Mission Help Center

Pinnacle Bank Arena

Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3

Pinnacle Bank Arena Lobby

Sandhills Global

Sandhills Global Event Center

Sandhills Global Event Center - TractorHouse Pavilion

The Cornhusker

The Graduate

The Railyard

Titan Machinery


Thursday, April 3

2nd Floor Dinsdale Learning Commons

Animal Science Commons Area

Animal Science Complex - R.B. Warren Arena

Animal Science Complex - Room B101

Beck's Hybrids

Butler Ag Equipment

Coliseum, 1350 Vine Street, Enter through southwest doors

Dinsdale Learning Commons - Engler Lookout Studio

Dinsdale Stockseed Farms Classroom, 2nd floor room 235

Dinsdale West patio, weather permitting, or on Dinsdale 2nd floor Engler spaces

East Campus Mall Green Space

East Campus Visitors Center in Filley Hall

Embassy Suites

Engler Lookout Studio, Dinsdale Learning Commons

Farmers Cooperative

Filley Hall room 105

First State Bank Nebraska

Food Bank of Lincoln

Food Innovation Center

Hudl Headquarters


Nebraska East Union - 3rd Floor Cottonwood Room

Nebraska East Union - Great Plains Room

North of the East Campus Union

People's City Mission Help Center

Pinnacle Bank Arena

Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3

Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 5


Plant Science Hall - Room 280 (Goodding Learning Center)

Platte Valley Equipment

Sandhills Global

Settje Agri-Services

Southeast Community College - Check in at Cafeteria, Vans park in the north lot. Busses park in northwest lot.

The Cornhusker

The Graduate

The Railyard

Titan Machinery


Friday, April 4

Animal Science Commons Area

Animal Science Complex - R.B. Warren Arena

Embassy Suites


Pinnacle Bank Arena

Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3

Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 5

The Cornhusker

The Cornhusker - Olive Branch Room

The Cornhusker - Yankee Hill 1/2

The Cornhusker - Yankee Hill 3

The Graduate

The Railyard


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