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The Cornhusker |
Animal Science Commons Area | Barnabas Community | Butler Ag Equipment | Check-in location based on your district number… 1-4: Plant Science - Room 199, 5-8: Filley Hall - Trading Room, 9-12: East Campus Union - 3rd Floor | Dinsdale Learning Commons - Engler Lookout Studio | East Campus Visitors Center in Filley Hall | Embassy Suites | Engler Lookout Studio, Dinsdale Learning Commons | Farmers Cooperative | FEWS Hub, Filley Hall | Filley Hall - Room 206 | Filley Hall room 47 | Food Bank of Lincoln | Food Science Complex (1901 N 21st) – meet in the lobby directly inside the doors on the east side of the 1901 building | Frontier Cooperative | Hudl Headquarters | Hyatt | Keim Hall - 2nd Floor Lounge | Meet by the flag pole by Chase Hall | Nebraska East Union - 3rd Floor Commons Area | Nebraska East Union - Great Plains Room | Nebraska East Union at the atrium level | Nebraska Farm Bureau | North of the East Campus Union | People's City Mission Help Center | Pinnacle Bank Arena | Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3 | Pinnacle Bank Arena Lobby | Sandhills Global | Sandhills Global Event Center | Sandhills Global Event Center - TractorHouse Pavilion | The Cornhusker | The Graduate | The Railyard | Titan Machinery | Tredz |
2nd Floor Dinsdale Learning Commons | Animal Science Commons Area | Animal Science Complex - R.B. Warren Arena | Animal Science Complex - Room B101 | Beck's Hybrids | Butler Ag Equipment | Coliseum, 1350 Vine Street, Enter through southwest doors | Dinsdale Learning Commons - Engler Lookout Studio | Dinsdale Stockseed Farms Classroom, 2nd floor room 235 | Dinsdale West patio, weather permitting, or on Dinsdale 2nd floor Engler spaces | East Campus Mall Green Space | East Campus Visitors Center in Filley Hall | Embassy Suites | Engler Lookout Studio, Dinsdale Learning Commons | Farmers Cooperative | Filley Hall room 105 | First State Bank Nebraska | Food Bank of Lincoln | Food Innovation Center | Hudl Headquarters | Hyatt | Nebraska East Union - 3rd Floor Cottonwood Room | Nebraska East Union - Great Plains Room | North of the East Campus Union | People's City Mission Help Center | Pinnacle Bank Arena | Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3 | Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 5 | Pioneer | Plant Science Hall - Room 280 (Goodding Learning Center) | Platte Valley Equipment | Sandhills Global | Settje Agri-Services | Southeast Community College - Check in at Cafeteria, Vans park in the north lot. Busses park in northwest lot. | The Cornhusker | The Graduate | The Railyard | Titan Machinery | Tredz |
Animal Science Commons Area | Animal Science Complex - R.B. Warren Arena | Embassy Suites | Hyatt | Pinnacle Bank Arena | Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 3 | Pinnacle Bank Arena Concourse 5 | The Cornhusker | The Cornhusker - Olive Branch Room | The Cornhusker - Yankee Hill 1/2 | The Cornhusker - Yankee Hill 3 | The Graduate | The Railyard |